Sunday, December 21, 2008

spiderish yay! just playing with brushes and trying to get better at this way of drawing.

Friday, December 12, 2008

spider thumbs

just a couple spider thumbs I am trying an all digi work flow
it is kind of cool I still like pencil and paper

Saturday, November 22, 2008

giant coming out of sketchbook

small post of my giant guy it will eventually be a giant and machine put together.

i'll color him red when he is done yay !!! RED!!!!!!

Attack mode

I tried this before but this time I feel a little stronger with it right now i am blocking in the features i will work on the arms and legs next but i hit the face and body a little.
The Brush Crashed and i didn't save so your seeing a slightly older version the newer one i toned down the cheeks and fixed the eye lids. so right now this should look like i am trying to get the underlying skeleton to fit and the anatomy blocked in i am so going to need a little help with the feet, but I have ref for that . any way I'll post some pics of my sculpts i am working on later .

peace love and soul train!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


this was pretty quick sketch of a snub nose detective gun i just wanted to try and make shapes no detail . i might take it further but mostly I'll use it for parts.( i kinda feel it looks wonky)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

my other sculpt

i am working on more than one project at a time you know so i can put one away so i don't get used to the way it looks any way this one is something I want to do more of a metal cyborg kinda deal I want to learn and get better at sculpting I really like it.

yay sculpy I said a WOOT!

in this I need to fix the face to be more like a real face AW showed me some flaws in it already and gave me some good advice on how to fix them . Woot :)
i have no idea where i got woot from but i have been saying lately just like mandango ??????

super hero YAY!!!

hey cuz some here is my
super hero of the day it is super duper maaaaaan
and just a quick sketch of his enemy the wierd bolt guy ok i didn't really name them all that well but I had semi fun on them .


ok so here are some pics of a reworking of an old character I learnde alot from the old one and now will hopefuly learn something from the new one . The thing i neeed most work on besides everything is the armature i hope i spelled that right. also i feel i am starting to understand structure better . in the next post you might not see it.:) sorry but they were quick sketches

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Swords Pt 2

Hey Cuz
I took a few of those thumb nails and turned them into a 3 quarter view it is more like just squeezing one end down and giving it a little volume. (Which means thickness/ depth.)
in the thumb nails we were just going for a design you know let are imaginations take the pencil
in this step you want to clean up the idea so when people look at it they can start to see what you are drawing . also the white and black are there to help with the depth and witch way the light is hitting it , the paper i am useing is just to help see the white better .

if you feel that it might be to hard to draw your sword this way try a box first

draw a flat rectangle the re draw it so on end is thinner than the other .

then put your sword shape inside of it and carve it out of the rectangle .

in the book i am sending you it will help you understand this better .
any way I'll post the tree i drew per our little challenge in a day or two .
any way message me if you have any questions .

peace out

Sunday, October 19, 2008

i was trying out some very basic blocking out shapes . I did this spider witch is only like ten minutes inand an alligator that i don't have cause my max crashed but I think all and all this will be a new thing for me to do sculpt sketching .

Thursday, October 16, 2008

i am stressing structure in the face here i only had a little time on him today but i will make it look nicer . and hopefully better. also this head is just for sculpting purposes and learning the ways of my jedi mentor :) yay tacos .........

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hey cuz

so this is stage one. everybody calls it thumbnail stage .

So I labeled them A. b. and c.
In (A) I used a ruler to get straight lines at least trying to
in (b) I just tried to keep my lines straight with out a ruler .

in (C) i just let the pencil flow. Meaning I don't care about straight lines just messing with shapes .

Now one of the first rules you should always abide by is look at reference. just Google what ever you want to draw . study what it is what it is for how it works . now this is a prime rule that should be broken .what i mean is just let your self make shapes and see witch one you like then pick it and move on to stage two witch I'll post later . any way have fun with your drawings cause it is something you can be loose with or tight or a mix I'll send you a few links to some really talented guys know and one guy who i work with who is an amazing artist .


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

don't look at the bug eye version i was kind of liking the way this type of work flow was going but my reference was only 1 pic and i know i need more than that . but i had edge flow problems with the mouth and middle of the forehead . i am going to fix those problems in a momento .

alos I had this weird dream of this little girl looked to be about 5or 6 any way she was holding a tea party with her stuffed animals in her room . then I see the floor start to i should say the rug start to move as if someting growing out of it then i start to see this row of kind sharp teeth start tearing through the floor/ rug and thi little girls is still playing tea as if nothing is wrong she even leans back on the chair when i finally realize it is a dragon about to swallow her he clamps down and eats her . I now see her and she is in the dragons stomach were she is talking to a teddy bear wich i relize is the dragons conscious and he tells her ( can't remember witch one ) they eaither need to find a crystal or keep it safe from a bad guy i kinda of remember the bad guy but not really.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

This is a W.I.P I am trying a new way of sculpting well i should say the right way i am starting with a ripped base mesh head and importing it into Z brush where i do as much as I can with each subD level before i have to move on to the next (thanks AW) I am going to try and take my time with this sculpt unlike the other ones witch took only a couple of hours I think this will be a great way to improve my skill set.

oh yeah this really doesn't have anything to do with my model but This great artist said i should just write out my dreams here so i will ...

I dreamed
that I was at my sisters wedding with this thin mint girl who was in love with me and who i was in love with . While the priest was going through the ceromony the girl and I were saying our vows at the exact same time as the bride and groom only we were in the back row and when the ceremony was over we were secretly married .
i thought it was weird.........(I have this other dream about vampires but I'll write that one later since i need sleep. peace

Sunday, August 24, 2008

learned subtools and getting a little better in useing z brush.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

zbrush is awesome

This is a WIp I really like z brush it is zmazingling
zawesome ( i like the zmazing but not the zawesome................

Thursday, August 14, 2008

i am going to be a painter

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ha,. Hello i am fiddling with the normals on this thing and playing with making ao passes in photoshop (didn't workout ) . ok the top two pics are witha a bump map and a normal map (used nividia plug in ) with the settingins at -100 . and the the last pic is at 100 it is wierd. but interesting .

Saturday, July 19, 2008

making more brushes trying to get diffrent textures .

Je fais de nouvelles brosses et ce n'est que moi de jouer avec les effets de celles-ci.

Friday, June 6, 2008

a quick Conan with ink n nib :)

das is it.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

procto soldiers

my procto soldiers :) /Gyrold 101

ymca ???!!! some heightened drawings in photoshop eh.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I really like how mud box works I am going to start some z brush tomorrow .I really like the move tool in mud box .
new head based it off reference but it didn't look like who I was referencing .
but i got a chance to mess around in Modo 301 :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I like mudbox

tweaking with the move tool and messing with flatten and now know shift and alt change the tool your working in sweet.

Hello My name Is Grabiel

Hi! I really like to draw and learn. Learning is my biggest draw to art. There is no end to learning new and old ways of making art.